Internal Server Error After Fresh Install

Sorry. What I’m looking for here is - how is dex responding? Clearly there’s a communication breakdown between apache and dex. Navigate to dex through a web browser and/or curl to see how it’s responding.

You could be running into this issue.

Sorry, not sure I follow. This is the first time I use dex, so not sure what you mean by navigate to it, when I cannot browse it. Curling I can do, but what do you want me to curl? I am sure I am missing something very simple here, but I dont see it. I checked the issue you sent, and I copied the certificates to anchors, and did an update-ca-trust, and did not change a thing, same internal server error.

You have the right url set in apache. Navigate here in a web browser. The idea here is confirming we can connect to it and SSL is all setup right. curl and a webbroswser will both complain if something is a miss.


What is apache error are you still seeing @jshleap? If you have this config and apache has been restarted then it should start to respond to it or in the very least throw a different message.

@brad.traver what’s going on with your installation? What’s the latest iss you’re seeing.


My Dex config file still isn’t updating. I removed all the commented out lines from the Dex section of ood_portal.yml. After regenerating the files and restarting the services, the Dex config file still hasn’t changed. It’s still missing the connector section where I have LDAP configured.

OK I’d guess you still have some formatting issue. I’d suggest starting over from a fresh file or open ood_portal.yml up in maybe vim or similar to see if there are any funny characters (committing it to git works too).

If you remove /etc/ood/config/dex/config.yaml - does that do anything? Also be sure to look at the output of update_ood_portal it’s likely to give you clues about what’s going on. Maybe you can’t write to that file and/or location anymore?

I tried removing the Dex config file and regenerating the files but that didn’t work. I’m going to uninstall and reinstall OOD so I can start with a fresh config.

After an uninstall and reinstall, the LDAP settings are now being applied. It’s not totally working yet as I need to adjust some of the LDAP attributes.

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