Our output.log file has the following.
Script starting…
Generating connection YAML file…
Launching desktop ‘mate’…
Desktop ‘mate’ ended…
Cleaning up…
Don’t see any reference to the DISPLAY variable or to the vncserver in the script.sh file.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd “{HOME}"
module purge && module restore
export SHELL="(getent passwd $USER | cut -d: -f7)”
echo “Launching desktop ‘mate’…”
source “/home/thomasbr/ondemand/data/sys/dashboard/batch_connect/sys/bc_desktop/ivy/output/bc860540-4964-435f-afb0-603b29d8745b/desktops/mate.sh”
echo “Desktop ‘mate’ ended…”
Here is the form.yml file
desktop: “mate”
bc_vnc_idle: 0
required: true
node_type: null
- bc_vnc_idle
- desktop
- bc_account
- bc_num_hours
- bc_num_slots
- node_type
- bc_queue
- bc_vnc_resolution
- bc_email_on_started
Here is the submit.yml.erb file.
template: vnc