Problems with interactive Matlab app window

We recently had to revisit this due to a separate issue, and time had provided a little insight (I think!).
To summarize, for future reference:

To get a working setup on RHEL 8 with Xfce 4.16.1 (from EPEL), two changes are needed from OSC’s baseline

  1. A message bus for the various Xfce components has to be manually launched (dbus-launch)
  2. The window manager xfwm4 has to executed in the background; the --daemon option is no longer valid

Here’s the parenthesized block of Xfce commands we’re using with success:

# Launch Xfce Window Manager and Panel
  export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="<%= session.staged_root.join("config") %>"
  export XDG_DATA_HOME="<%= session.staged_root.join("share") %>"
  export XDG_CACHE_HOME="$(mktemp -d)"
  eval $(dbus-launch --sh-syntax)
  xfwm4 --compositor=off --sm-client-disable &
  xsetroot -solid "#D3D3D3"
  xfsettingsd --daemon --sm-client-disable
  xfce4-panel --sm-client-disable
) &