(Alan Chalker)
June 3, 2020, 4:12pm
Have you looked at any of the other threads on here about Rstudio? A lot of people have been able to get it working, but there always seem to be certain containerization or authentication issues that crop up. Most of the threads have solutions posted. For example:
Hi. We are trying to install the RStudio app following the successful model of Jupyter.
After starting a session the output log has:
FATAL: exec /.singularity.d/actions/run failed: no such file or directory
The singularity container was created using “singularity pull”.
It seems to call “rserver” but we installed RStudio on each node using the rpm which uses “rstudio-server” as the executable.
Am I missing something obvious?
Hiya everyone,
We’re running centos 6 and slurm 19, and are one OOD release behind.
I just setup the RStudio interactive app but am quite perplexed by this reproducible and ignorable authentication error that follows immediately after clicking “Connect to RStudio Server” for each session:
“Error: Incorrect or invalid username/password”
[2020-01-08 17_14_49-RStudio Sign In]
One can simply go back to the OOD tab and click the button again (with or without closing this goofy error tab) and ev…
I thought I’d read that OOD was now able to run RStudio without relying on Singularity but can’t find documentation to support that notion. Was I dreaming??
Thanks - Susan Litzinger