Condition is submit.yml.erb doesn't work

I don’t get any errors during submission but it doesn’t look like condition works. It every time submits with


Regardless on which solver I choose:

  - "--job-name"
  - "<%= job_name %>"
  - "--ntasks"
  - "<%= num_cores %>"

          license = if solver == "Ansys - Linear" || "Ansys - Thermal"
              elsif solver == "Ansys - Non-Linear"
              elsif solver == "CFX" || "FLUENT"
                      #solver == "Star-CCM+" 
  - "--license"
  - "<%= license %>"

I can see in output that solver line changes but not license file:

 "native": [
  "job_name": "lalala",
  "solver": "Star-CCM+",
  "auto_modules_ansys": "ansys/22.2",
  "auto_modules_cfx": "cfx",
  "auto_modules_fluent": "fluent",
  "auto_modules_starccm": "starccm",
  "sim_type": "2ddp",
  "bc_queue": "epyc,sky,bdw",
  "auto_qos": "lowprio_8job",
  "num_cores": "8",
  "bc_num_hours": "24",
  "select_sim_file": "",
  "select_file": "",
  "bc_email_on_started": "0"

Is anything wrong with my code?

I figure it out. This worked:

license = if solver == “Ansys - Linear” || solver == “Ansys - Thermal”

I didn’t have a test or boolean I had a string literal, which always evaluates to true.

Warning in the log file really helped:

warning: string literal in condition