Configure apache auth

The first few steps on here refer to an httpd install residing at /opt/rh/httpd24/root/usr/bin
but I don’t have any apache httpd installation there on a new RHEL8 VM. I have followed the open ondemand RHEL8 installation guide at:

Is there some additional step I need to either symlink that path to the system installed httpd, or do another httpd install at that path?


I do have that path though.

It has:

passenger passenger-config passenger-install-apache2-module passenger-install-nginx-module

executable files in the directory.

Even stranger,


I have an nginx web server installation directory where there should be an httpd one?

You should not need to compile any apache modules. That was just recently removed, but I need to now update the latest branch to reflect that removal.

Ah, cool.

In that case,

I still need to configure the Auth module though right?

This path:


Doesn’t exist on my new install RHEL8 and open ondemand install.

Is there another path that I can find the auth-config.conf file at?

Yes you need some sort of authentication. Where are you seeing this file auth-config.conf?

You should be following any one of these sections for the applicable authentication you’re looking for (CAS, or Shibboleth or OIDC, etc).

Its in 1.2. heading

I want to configure LDAP with Apache I think…

I have the

/etc/ood/config/ood_portal.yml file with the following configuration, (redacted some stuff):

- type: ldap
id: ldap
name: xxx
insecureSkipVerify: false
bindDN: cn=LDAP User,ou=Users,dc=xxx,dc=xxxx,dc=edu
bindPW: xxxxxxxxxxx
baseDN: ou=Users,dc=xxx,dc=xxxx,dc=edu
filter: “(objectClass=posixAccount)”
username: uid
idAttr: uid
emailAttr: mail
nameAttr: sn
preferredUsernameAttr: uid
baseDN: ou=Groups,dc=xxx,dc=xxxx,dc=edu
filter: “(objectClass=posixgroup)”
- userAttr: memberUid
groupAttr: cn
nameAttr: cn



  • ‘AuthType Basic’
  • ‘Require group SomeGroup’
  • ‘AuthLDAPURL ldap://ldaphost/o=yourorg’

But still working out what settings I need in place for the auth: ldap configuraiton.

If you’re doing Dex + LDAP, you don’t need this. They conflict. Dex is OIDC authentication and this below is apache’s basic LDAP auth which is very insecure, so I’d recommend you keep the dex settings.

    - ‘AuthType Basic’
    - ‘Require group SomeGroup’
    - ‘AuthLDAPURL ldap://ldaphost/o=yourorg’

You’re dex configs look OK - given I don’t know your LDAP layout and so on, but I’d say now, bounce apache and start ondemand-dex both through systemctl and see what you get. You can let me know in this topic if it works directly or if you need anything more.

Ok, I have kept the dex and ldap settings, restarted both ondemand-dex and apache with systemctl.

I still have a message about:

However, you now have to configurure authentication for this apache instance. See the authentication documentation for all the options available.

On the webpage for the server. Is there something else I need to do to further configure authentication?

OK something’s off because it should have picked up the dex settings.

What’s the output of running this command?


I’d also take a second pass at your ood_portal.yml. I can’t tell from what you’ve posted if it’s valid YAML or no, but it seems like we’re not recognizing the dex YAML portion.


No change in Apache config.

Completed successfully!

# Portal configuration

# The address and port to listen for connections on
# Example:
#     listen_addr_port: 443
# Default: null (don't add any more listen directives)
#listen_addr_port: null

# The server name used for name-based Virtual Host
# Example:
#     servername: ''
# Default: null (don't use name-based Virtual Host)
#servername: null

# The server aliases used for the name-based Virtual Host
# Example:
#     server_aliases:
#       -
#server_aliases: []

# The server name used for rewrites
# Example:
#     proxy_server: ''
# Default: The value of servername
#proxy_server: null

# The port specification for the Virtual Host
# Example:
#     port: 8080
# Default: null (use default port 80 or 443 if SSL enabled)
#port: null

# List of SSL Apache directives
# Example:
       - 'SSLCertificateFile "/etc/pki/tls/certs/"'
       - 'SSLCertificateKeyFile "/etc/pki/tls/private/"'
# Default: null (no SSL support)
#ssl: null

# Root directory of log files (can be relative ServerRoot)
# Example:
#     logroot: '/path/to/my/logs'
# Default: 'logs' (this is relative to ServerRoot)
#logroot: 'logs'

# Error log filename
# Example:
#     errorlog: 'error.log'
# Default: 'error.log' (If 'servername' and 'ssl' options are defined 
# the default value will be <servername>_error_ssl.log)
#errorlog: 'error.log'

# Access log filename
# Example:
#     accesslog: 'access.log'
# Default: 'access.log' (If 'servername' and 'ssl' options are defined 
# the default value will be <servername>_access_ssl.log)
#accesslog: 'access.log'

# Apache access log format (Don't specify log nickname see:
# Example:
#     logformat: '"%v %h \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %T"'
# Default: Apache combined format
#logformat: Apache combine format

# Should RewriteEngine be used
# Example:
#     use_rewrites: false
# Default: true
#use_rewrites: true

# Should Maintenance Rewrite rules be added
# Example:
#   use_maintenance: false
# Default: true
#use_maintenance: true

# List of IPs to allowed when maintenance is enabled
# Example:
#   maintenance_ip_allowlist:
#     - 192.168.0..*
#     - 192.168.1..*
# Default: [] (no IPs allowed)
#maintenance_ip_allowlist: []

# Set Header Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors.
# Example:
#   security_csp_frame_ancestors:
# Example to disable setting:
#   security_csp_frame_ancestors: false
# Default: based on servername and ssl settings

# Set Header Strict-Transport-Security to help enforce SSL
# Example:
#   security_strict_transport: false
# Default: true when ssl is enabled, false otherwise
#security_strict_transport: false

# Root directory of the Lua handler code
# Example:
#     lua_root: '/path/to/lua/handlers'
# Default : '/opt/ood/mod_ood_proxy/lib' (default install directory of mod_ood_proxy)
#lua_root: '/opt/ood/mod_ood_proxy/lib'

# Verbosity of the Lua module logging
# (see
# Example:
#     lua_log_level: 'warn'
# Default: 'info' (get verbose logs)
#lua_log_level: 'info'

# Lua regular expression used to map authenticated-user to system-user
# This configuration is ignored if user_map_cmd is defined
# Example:
#     user_map_match: '^([^@]+)@.*$'
# Default: '.*'
#user_map_match: '.*'

# System command used to map authenticated-user to system-user
# This option takes precedence over user_map_match
# Example:
#     user_map_cmd: '/usr/local/bin/ondemand-usermap'
# Default: null (use user_map_match)
#user_map_cmd: null

# Use an alternative CGI environment variable instead of REMOTE_USER for
# determining the authenticated-user fed to the mapping script
# Example:
#     user_env: 'OIDC_CLAIM_preferred_username'
# Default: null (use REMOTE_USER)
#user_env: null

# Redirect user to the following URI if fail to map there authenticated-user to
# a system-user
# Example:
#     map_fail_uri: '/register'
# Default: null (don't redirect, just display error message)
#map_fail_uri: null

# System command used to run the `nginx_stage` script with sudo privileges
# Example:
#     pun_stage_cmd: 'sudo /path/to/nginx_stage'
# Default: 'sudo /opt/ood/nginx_stage/sbin/nginx_stage' (don't forget sudo)
#pun_stage_cmd: 'sudo /opt/ood/nginx_stage/sbin/nginx_stage'

# List of Apache authentication directives
# NB: Be sure the appropriate Apache module is installed for this
# Default: (see below, uses OIDC auth with Dex)
#  - 'AuthType Basic'
#  - 'Require group accessexacloud'
#  - 'AuthLDAPURL ldap://ldaphost/o=yourorg'

# Redirect user to the following URI when accessing root URI
# Example:
#     root_uri: '/my_uri'
#     # =>
# Default: '/pun/sys/dashboard' (default location of the OOD Dashboard app)
#root_uri: '/pun/sys/dashboard'

# Track server-side analytics with a Google Analytics account and property
# (see for
# information on how to setup the GA property)
# Example:
#     analytics:
#       url: ''
#       id: 'UA-79331310-4'
# Default: null (do not track)
#analytics: null

# Publicly available assets

# Public sub-uri (available to public with no authentication)
# Example:
#     public_uri: '/assets'
# Default: '/public'
#public_uri: '/public'

# Root directory that serves the public sub-uri (be careful, everything under
# here is open to the public)
# Example:
#     public_root: '/path/to/public/assets'
# Default: '/var/www/ood/public'
#public_root: '/var/www/ood/public'

# Logout redirect helper

# Logout sub-uri
# Example
#     logout_uri: '/log_me_out'
# NB: If you change this, then modify the Dashboard app with the new sub-uri
# Default: '/logout' (the Dashboard app is by default going to expect this)
#logout_uri: '/logout'

# Redirect user to the following URI when accessing logout URI
# Example:
#     logout_redirect: '/oidc?'
# Default: '/pun/sys/dashboard/logout' (the Dashboard app provides a simple
# HTML page explaining logout to the user)
#logout_redirect: '/pun/sys/dashboard/logout'

# Reverse proxy to backend nodes

# Regular expression used for whitelisting allowed hostnames of nodes
# Example:
#     host_regex: '[\w.-]+\.example\.com'
# Default: '[^/]+' (allow reverse proxying to all hosts, this allows external
# hosts as well)
#host_regex: '[^/]+'

# Sub-uri used to reverse proxy to backend web server running on node that
# knows the full URI path
# Example:
#     node_uri: '/node'
# Default: null (disable this feature)
#node_uri: null

# Sub-uri used to reverse proxy to backend web server running on node that
# ONLY uses *relative* URI paths
# Example:
#     rnode_uri: '/rnode'
# Default: null (disable this feature)
#rnode_uri: null

# Per-user NGINX Passenger apps

# Sub-uri used to control PUN processes
# Example:
#     nginx_uri: '/my_pun_controller'
# Default: '/nginx'
#nginx_uri: '/nginx'

# Sub-uri used to access the PUN processes
# Example:
#     pun_uri: '/my_pun_apps'
# Default: '/pun'
#pun_uri: '/pun'

# Root directory that contains the PUN Unix sockets that the proxy uses to
# connect to
# Example:
#     pun_socket_root: '/path/to/pun/sockets'
# Default: '/var/run/ondemand-nginx' (default location set in nginx_stage)
#pun_socket_root: '/var/run/ondemand-nginx'

# Number of times the proxy attempts to connect to the PUN Unix socket before
# giving up and displaying an error to the user
# Example:
#     pun_max_retries: 25
# Default: 5 (only try 5 times)
#pun_max_retries: 5

# The PUN pre hook command to execute as root
# Example:
#    pun_pre_hook_root_cmd: '/opt/hpc-site/ood_pun_prehook'
# Default: null (do not run any PUN pre hook as root)
#pun_pre_hook_root_cmd: null

# Comma separated list of environment variables to pass from the apache context
# into the PUN pre hook. Defaults to null so nothing is exported.
# Example:
#    pun_pre_hook_exports: 'OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN,OIDC_CLAIM_EMAIL'
# Default: null (pass nothing)
#pun_pre_hook_exports: null

# Support for OpenID Connect

# Sub-uri used by mod_auth_openidc for authentication
# Example:
#     oidc_uri: '/oidc'
# Default: null (disable OpenID Connect support)
#oidc_uri: null

# Sub-uri user is redirected to if they are not authenticated. This is used to
# *discover* what ID provider the user will login through.
# Example:
#     oidc_discover_uri: '/discover'
# Default: null (disable support for discovering OpenID Connect IdP)
#oidc_discover_uri: null

# Root directory on the filesystem that serves the HTML code used to display
# the discovery page
# Example:
#     oidc_discover_root: '/var/www/ood/discover'
# Default: null (disable support for discovering OpenID Connect IdP)
#oidc_discover_root: null

# Support for registering unmapped users
# (Not necessary if using regular expressions for mapping users)

# Sub-uri user is redirected to if unable to map authenticated-user to
# system-user
# Example:
#     register_uri: '/register'
# Default: null (display error to user if mapping fails)
#register_uri: null

# Root directory on the filesystem that serves the HTML code used to register
# an unmapped user
# Example:
#     register_root: '/var/www/ood/register'
# Default: null (display error to user if mapping fails)
#register_root: null

# OIDC metadata URL
# Example:
#     oidc_provider_metadata_url:
# Default: null (value auto-generated if using Dex)
#oidc_provider_metadata_url: null

# OIDC client ID
# Example:
#     oidc_client_id:
# Default: null (value auto-generated if using Dex)
#oidc_client_id: null

# OIDC client secret
# Example:
#     oidc_client_secret: 334389048b872a533002b34d73f8c29fd09efc50
# Default: null (value auto-generated if using Dex)
#oidc_client_secret: null

# OIDC remote user claim. This is the claim that populates REMOTE_USER
# Example:
#     oidc_remote_user_claim: preferred_username
# Default: preferred_username
#oidc_remote_user_claim: preferred_username

# OIDC scopes
# Example:
#     oidc_scope: "openid profile email groups"
# Default: "openid profile email"
#oidc_scope: "openid profile email"

# OIDC session inactivity timeout
# Example:
#     oidc_session_inactivity_timeout: 28800
# Default: 28800
#oidc_session_inactivity_timeout: 28800

# OIDC session max duration
# Example:
#     oidc_session_max_duration: 28800
# Default: 28800
#oidc_session_max_duration: 28800

# OIDC max number of state cookies and if to automatically clean old cookies
# Example:
#     oidc_state_max_number_of_cookies: "10 true"
# Default: "10 true"
#oidc_state_max_number_of_cookies: "10 true"

# OIDC Enable SameSite cookie
# When ssl is defined this defaults to 'Off'
# When ssl is not defined this defaults to 'On'
# Example:
#     oidc_cookie_same_site: 'Off'
# Default: 'On'
#oidc_cookie_same_site: 'On'

# Additional OIDC settings as key-value pairs
# Example:
#     oidc_settings:
#       OIDCPassIDTokenAs: serialized
#       OIDCPassRefreshToken: On
# Default: {} (empty hash)
#oidc_settings: {}

# The Dex URI behind Apache reverse proxy
# Set to false or null to disable Dex behing the Apache reverse proxy
# Example:
#   dex_uri: /auth
# Default: /dex
#dex_uri: /dex

# Dex configurations, values inside the "dex" structure are directly used to configure Dex
# If the value for "dex" key is false or null, Dex support is disabled
# Dex support will auto-enable if ondemand-dex package is installed
  # Default based on if ssl key for ood-portal-generator is defined
#  ssl: false
  # Only used if SSL is disabled
#  http_port: "5556"
  # Only used if SSL is enabled
#  https_port: "5554"
  # tls_cert and tls_key take OnDemand configured values for ssl and copy keys to /etc/ood/dex maintaining file names
#  tls_cert: null
#  tls_key: null
#  storage_file: /etc/ood/dex/dex.db
#  grpc: null
#  expiry: null
  # Client ID, defaults to servername or FQDN
#  client_id: null
#  client_name: OnDemand
  # Client secret, value auto generated
  # A value that is a filesystem path can be used to store secret in a file
#  client_secret: /etc/ood/dex/ondemand.secret
   # The OnDemand redirectURI is auto-generated, this option allows adding additional URIs
#  client_redirect_uris: []
  # Additional Dex OIDC clients to configure
#  static_clients: []
  # The following example is to configure OpenLDAP
  # Docs:

    - type: ldap
      id: ldap
      name: XXX
        insecureSkipVerify: false
        bindDN: cn=LDAP User,ou=Users,dc=xxx,dc=xxxx,dc=edu
        bindPW: xxxxxxxxxxx
          baseDN: ou=Users,dc=xxx,dc=xxxx,dc=edu
          filter: "(objectClass=posixAccount)"
          username: uid
          idAttr: uid
          emailAttr: mail
          nameAttr: sn
          preferredUsernameAttr: uid
          baseDN: ou=Groups,dc=xxx,dc=xxxx,dc=edu
          filter: "(objectClass=posixgroup)"
            - userAttr: memberUid
              groupAttr: cn
          nameAttr: cn
    theme: ondemand
    dir: /usr/share/ondemand-dex/web

#  connectors:
#    - type: ldap
#      id: ldap
#      name: LDAP
#      config:
#        host:
#        insecureSkipVerify: false
#        bindDN: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org
#        bindPW: admin
#        userSearch:
#          baseDN: ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
#          filter: "(objectClass=posixAccount)"
#          username: uid
#          idAttr: uid
#          emailAttr: mail
#          nameAttr: gecos
#          preferredUsernameAttr: uid
#        groupSearch:
#          baseDN: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=org
#          filter: "(objectClass=posixGroup)"
#          userMatchers:
#            - userAttr: DN
#              groupAttr: member
#          nameAttr: cn
#  frontend:
#    theme: ondemand
#    dir: /usr/share/ondemand-dex/web

the ssl piece has different indentation - that matters in YAML. It’s not recognizing the dex portion because of it.


I commented that part out and its still not working.

    - type: ldap
      id: ldap
      name: xxx
        insecureSkipVerify: false
        bindDN: cn=LDAP User,ou=Users,dc=xxx,dc=xxxx,dc=edu
        bindPW: xxxxxxxxxxx
          baseDN: ou=Users,dc=xxx,dc=xxxx,dc=edu
          filter: "(objectClass=posixAccount)"
          username: uid
          idAttr: uid
          emailAttr: mail
          nameAttr: sn
          preferredUsernameAttr: uid
          baseDN: ou=Groups,dc=xxx,dc=xxxx,dc=edu
          filter: "(objectClass=posixgroup)"
            - userAttr: memberUid
              groupAttr: cn
          nameAttr: cn

Can you elaborate on “not working”? Does it at least update .conf file /etc/httpd/conf.d/ood-portal.conf?

Hi Jeff,

Yes, the .conf file does change, but the web page still displays

OK - if it’s updating the conf file maybe it’s a cache issue, like you’ve cached that page? Can you try bouncing httpd and clearing your cache?

I think I figured it out, we have the VM hosted on an openstack cluster, and the local hostname was pulling in hostname.novalocal instead of hostname.domain. I am going to setup SSL next and then attempt to login via my LDAP account.

For the ssl config, is this the right syntax? This is in the ood_portal.yml file

  tls_cert: /etc/pki/tls/certs/
  tls_key: /etc/pki/tls/private/
    - type: ldap
      id: ldap
      name: NAME

I think I got the SSL stuff correct, but its complaining about not being able to find a user?

I don’t have our home directory server mounted yet on this VM, and my perrymil ldap user doesn’t have a local home directory on there yet, I am assuming thats what this error is complaining about?

Yes, if the VM doesn’t have access to LDAP and $HOME directories, you’d need to create the local user through useradd. Though I don’t know if that’s advisable given UID mappings may be different.

So I think I have auth working now, but its still displaying the http://openondemanddevweb/public/need_auth.html page, which seems a little counterintuitive. The ldap lookup showed up in the logs on the ldap server.

Closing this ticket as done for now.

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