Deploy Jupyter App


Thanks for everyone’s help here. I have brought up our OOD server with Keycloak+LDAP.

Right now I am setting up Deploying Jupyter App, and it can work in the sandbox mode. One thing I am confusing is:

Jupyter notebook seems like a single user app? The “pip” command will install it in $HOME/.local folder. Even if I move this folder to a public accessible folder, will it work properly?

I googled a lot, it looks like better to use Jupyter lab for multiple users, so is it better fit for OOD?



Do your compute nodes use modules (TACC’s lmod or similar?)

We (OSC) use TACC’s lmod for modules and it looks like we’ve installed jupyter in a given directory under an anaconda environment that activates when the module is loaded (the first execute function call)

[stable-diff(main)]  module show app_jupyter
whatis("loads app_jupyter")
help([[This module loads app_jupyter
Configured and installed with modules:
execute{cmd="source /apps/project/ondemand/app_jupyter/3.0.17/bin/activate", modeA={"load"}}
execute{cmd="source /apps/project/ondemand/app_jupyter/3.0.17/bin/osc_check_jupyterlab_dir", modeA={"load"}}
execute{cmd="deactivate", modeA={"unload"}}

Thanks, Jeff!

Yes, we have modules. I will copy pip install of notebook to a public accessible folder, and test again. Hope it should work fine.