Dynamic behaviour with dropdown

I have been trying the dynamic behaviour that’s available with Open OnDemand.
For some reason, it doesn’t seem to work as expected.
Hoping someone here can point me in the right direction.

I updated the file at, /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/env to hold OOD_BC_DYNAMIC_JS=true

I would just like to hide one select element when a specific option is chosen.
In this case, hide gpu_instance_type when standard node_type is chosen. Although, it doesn’t seem to work in anyway. Here is my form.yml.


cluster: "slurm-default"

    widget: "check_box"
    value: 1
    label: Use JupyterLab Instead of Jupter Notebook?
    widget: "text_field"
    value: "1"
    label: How many cores would you like to use?
    widget: "text_field"
    value: "1"
    label: How much memory (in GB) would you like to use? - Disabled
    widget: "select"
    label: Which node type would you like to use?
      - [
          "standard", "standard",
          data-hide-gpu-instance-type: true
      - "gpu"
    widget: "select"
    label: Which instance type would you like to use?
      - g4
      - g5
  modules: "python"

  - modules
  - jupyterlab_switch
  - extra_jupyter_args
  - cpu_count
  - mem_count
  - bc_num_hours
  - node_type
  - gpu_instance_type

Hi Naveen.

Thank you for your post. I will play with this some today, and see what you need to do to accomplish what you are wanting.


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Hi @naveen

I replaced an existing form’s code with your code and the behavior is as expected. What version of OnDemand are you running?


I see, OnDemand version is 2.0.18

I see from here that this type of form building is available only from 2.0.27. So, guess that is the issue?
Can you point me to any docs on how to build with form.js?

In many places in form.js, I see, batch_connect_session_context identifier prefix used. Is that the default prefix that’s added to get the value of any field in form.yml?

Hi Naveen.

Here is the form.js code. I pulled it from an older version of our code, so it may need some touch up.

'use strict'

 * Clamp between two numbers
 * @param      {number}  min     The minimum
 * @param      {number}  max     The maximum
 * @param      {number}  val     The value to clamp
function clamp(min, max, val) {
  return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, val));

 * Simple helper to return the capitalized version of the
 * current select cluster (i.e., Owens and Pitzer).
function current_cluster_capitalized(){
  var cluster = $('#batch_connect_session_context_cluster').val();
  return capitalize_words(cluster);

 * Capitalize the words in a string and remove and '-'.  In the simplest case
 * it simple capitalizes.  It assumes 'words' are hyphenated.
 * @param      {string}  str     The word string to capitalize
 * @example  given 'foo' this returns 'Foo'
 * @example  given 'foo-bar' this returns 'FooBar'
function capitalize_words(str) {
  var camel_case = "";
  var capitalize = true;

  str.split('').forEach((c) => {
    if (capitalize) {
      camel_case += c.toUpperCase();
      capitalize = false;
    } else if(c == '-') {
      capitalize = true;
    } else {
      camel_case += c;

  return camel_case;

 * Fix num cores, allowing blanks to remain
 * @param      {event}  event     A change event (node_type or cluster changes)
function fix_num_cores(event) {
  const num_cores_input = $('#batch_connect_session_context_num_cores');
  const data = $('#batch_connect_session_context_node_type').find(':selected').data();
  const cluster = current_cluster_capitalized();

  // do nothing if num_cores is blank or there's no data for node_type_input
  if(num_cores_input.val() === '' || !data) {

  if(event.target && event.target.id == 'batch_connect_session_context_cluster'){
    const prev_cluster = event.target.textContent.split("\n")[0];
    shift_num_cores_value(num_cores_input, prev_cluster);

  const min = data["minPpn" + cluster];
  const max = data["maxPpn" + cluster];

  num_cores_input.attr('max', max);
  num_cores_input.attr('min', min);

  // Clamp value between min and max
    clamp(min, max, num_cores_input.val())

 * Shift the number of cores value up or down when the cluster changes.
 * Example: I've set cores to 28, owens maximum. Then I change clusters
 * to pitzer. This value should shift to 40, which is Pitzer's maximum.
 * @param      {element}   num_cores_input     the num_cores element
 * @param      {string}    previous_cluster    the name of the previous cluster
function shift_num_cores_value(num_cores_input, previous_cluster){
  const prev_max_cores = max_cores_for_cluster(previous_cluster);
  const cluster = current_cluster_capitalized();

  if(num_cores_input.val() == prev_max_cores){

 * Toggle the visibility of a form group
 * @param      {string}    form_id  The form identifier
 * @param      {boolean}   show     Whether to show or hide
function toggle_visibility_of_form_group(form_id, show) {
  let form_element = $(form_id);
  let parent = form_element.parent();

  // kick out if you didn't find what you're looking for
  if(parent.size() <= 0) {

  if(show) {
  } else {

 * Hide or show options of an element based on which cluster is
 * currently selected and the data-option-for-CLUSTER attributes
 * for each option
 * @param      {string}  element_name  The name of the element with options to toggle
function toggle_options(element_name) {
  const cluster = current_cluster_capitalized();
  const search = "#" + element_name + " option"
  const options = $(search);

  options.each(function(_i, option) {
    // the variable 'option' is just a data structure. it has no attr, data, show
    // or hide methods so we have to query for it again
    let option_element = $(search + "[value='" + option.value + "']");
    let data = option_element.data();
    let show = data["optionFor" + cluster];

    if(show) {
    } else {

      if(option_element.prop('selected')) {
        option_element.prop('selected', false);

        // when de-selecting something, the default is to fallback to the very first
        // option. But there's an edge case where you want to hide the very first option,
        // and deselecting it does nothing.
          option_element.next().prop('selected', true);

 * Find the max cores for the cluster given node type
 * that's currently selected
 * @param {string}  cluster_name  The name the cluster
function max_cores_for_cluster(cluster_name) {
  if(cluster_name.charAt(0).toUpperCase != cluster_name.charAt(0)){
    cluster_name = capitalize_words(cluster_name);

  const node_type_input = $('#batch_connect_session_context_node_type');
  const data = node_type_input.find(':selected').data();
  const max = data["maxPpn" + cluster_name];

  if(max) {
    return max.toString();
  } else {
    return "0";

 * Toggle the visibility of the CUDA select when the selected
 * node_type changes
function toggle_cuda_version_visibility(selected_node_type) {
  const cuda_element = $('#batch_connect_session_context_cuda_version');
  const choose_gpu = selected_node_type == 'gpu';

  toggle_visibility_of_form_group(cuda_element, choose_gpu);

 * Sets the change handler for the node_type select.
function set_node_type_change_handler() {
  let node_type_input = $('#batch_connect_session_context_node_type');
  node_type_input.change((event) => node_type_change_handler(event));

 * Sets the change handler for the cluster select.
function set_cluster_change_handler() {
  let cluster_input = $('#batch_connect_session_context_cluster');
  cluster_input.change((event) => cluster_change_handler(event));

 * Update UI when node_type changes
function node_type_change_handler(event) {

 * Update UI when the cluster changes
function cluster_change_handler(event) {

 * Main

// Set controls to align with the values of the last session context
fix_num_cores({ target: document.querySelector('#batch_connect_session_node_type') });
  $('#batch_connect_session_context_node_type option:selected').val()

// Install event handlers

Thanks, that helped :peace_symbol:

That’s great!


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