Enabling Globus

I’m not having much luck in find documentation on how to enable Globus in OneDemand. I found this link: New Open OnDemand feature makes it easier to interact with external data from your cluster

However I need to have the globus config based on user home folder. I found something that says OnDemand allows per-user config files? Not finding how to set that up. I would like to have the Globus configured with each user having their own OnDemand config with the following:

- path: /home/username/globus
endpoint: UUID_of_User_Globus_collection
endpoint_path: /home/username/

Is this the right way to go?

Hi, sorry for the trouble finding that in the docs. I know it’s sometimes hard to notice, but there is a search feature in the docs which can be helpful on the far left at the top of the navigation bar (though it’s not perfect admittedly). I sometimes forget about it myself but wanted to point it out.

I think you just need this entry here to understand what to do:

There’s multiple examples there to provide an idea how to use this, and I think the last example is what you are looking for, but it they don’t make sense or work right for you please let us know!

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