Everything but ood server's reverse proxying working for remote desktop

I just checked and it is the host name that is the problem.

I opened the noVNC advanced settings and edited the host target from ‘axis1’ to ‘axis1.stor’ and it worked.

However I have

  • entered set_host (why not use hostname -f?), rerun the configuration generator and restarted httpd
  • put .stor first on the /etc/resolv.conf domain search list and restarted httpd
  • put “ axis1.stor” into /etc/hosts and restarted httpd
    And none of them have any effect, the host is flat ‘axis1’ which does not work.

Ultimately following

I directly edited set_host into
and restarted and it works: I am able to launch a remote session and get a gnome desktop appear in my browser. Horray! There’s some other things that need to be worked out but it looks like it’s alive.