File app buffer space

Hi, everybody @osc

i have the same topic on OOD 1.7.6 about reaching the limit size of upload, sized by default to 10GB.
i have followed recommendation described in Is it possible to limit file upload size and created the /etc/ood/config/apps/files/env and set FILE_UPLOAD_MAX to 100GB limit
i have moved too the /var/tmp/ondemand-nginx under /tmp to have enough space and create a link to avoid changing the conf in nginx_stage.yml.

nevertheless, the upload of a file of 23GB fails :anguished:

[root@masterc77 tmp]# grep download.tar /var/log/ondemand-nginx/mjl/error.log
2020/03/13 22:37:39 [error] 18587#0: *545 client intended to send too large body: 24696064512 bytes, client: unix:, server: localhost, request: “PUT /pun/sys/files/api/v1/fs/data/COMPUTING/mjl/retour/download.tar HTTP/1.1”, host: “localhost”, referrer: "http…

what i have missed ?

thanks for your answer
