Some of our users are getting the message “queue full” when trying to start additional OOD applications. After some research, we found that the parameter passenger_max_request_queue_size could be used to increase the size. There are other parameters to consider to better fine tune the passenger application; however, it’s not clear where is the correct place to set them. They could be added as environment variables in the per user PUN configuration file ( /var/lib/ondemand-nginx/config/puns/%{user}.conf ), by changing the template OOD uses to start the process.
You will need to be very careful, as it is yaml, and yaml is extremely sensitive to layout. Especially around spaces and tabs. So, you will want to ensure you are using spaces and not tabs. You probably already know this, but just want to cover all basis.
You’re running into a bug. You’ll have to patch that file /opt/ood/nginx_stage/lib/nginx_stage/configuration.rb. 2.0.28 has this bugfix, but it won’t hit the public repository until sometime next week.