Form.yml.erb dynamic cores

What would be the best way to modify form.yml.erb so it can provide different core or memory options based upon user group membership? I have a number of launchers with mostly sane defaults but a few groups need to be exceptions in regard to what they can select for cpu, cores. This can of course be solved via custom lab or per user/sandbox launchers but those have now proliferated into the hundreds so a central solution is better.

We don’t have a good solution for centralized dynamic config that can be shared across all interactive app plugins. So what I would do is have this code run on the dashboard startup and store the results. There are 2 approaches to that, both using a custom initializer in /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/initializers.

  1. You can create a custom module/class and add the method there, then call it from within the apps.
  2. Or you can utilize Rails

With the first approach you would define something like:

class TuftsResourceConstraints
  def self.constraints
    return @constraints if defined?(@constraints)

    groups =

    if groups.include?('multicoreusers')
      @constraints = { cores: 48, nodes: 1 }
    elsif groups.include?('parallelusers')
      @constraints = { cores: 48, nodes: 10 }
      @constraints = { cores: 1, nodes: 1 }

Then in the form.yml.erb do

<%= TuftsResourceConstraints.constraints[:cores] %>
<%= TuftsResourceConstraints.constraints[:nodes] %>

With the second approach you could do something like this in the Rails initializer:

Rails.application.configure do
  groups =

  cores = 1
  nodes = 1

  if groups.include?('multicoreusers')
    cores = 48
    nodes =  1
  elsif groups.include?('parallelusers')
    cores = 48
    nodes =  10

  config.x.constraints.cores = cores
  config.x.constraints.nodes = nodes

Then in the form.yml.erb do

<%= Rails.configuration.x.constraints.cores %>
<%= Rails.configuration.x.constraints.nodes %>

Neither of these approaches work for the case that you have an app submitting to multiple clusters and the constraints vary from cluster to cluster.