Installation on Amazon Linux 2023

I was trying to install OOD 3.0 in Amazon Linux 2023 but I am encountering the following errors:

yum install

[root@ip-172-31-29-118 x86_64]# yum install ondemand
Open OnDemand Web Repo                                                                                                                             1.3 kB/s | 196  B     00:00
Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'ondemand-web':
  - Status code: 404 for (IP:
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'ondemand-web': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried

I’ve also tried to install using the 3.1.1 ( but receive similar results.

Is it possible to perform this installation? I realize that AL2023 isn’t listed on the supported operating system list, but I was trying to upgrade an installation I had.

if you believe your distribution is compatible with el8/el9, then just edit the repofile. - instead of el2023.1.20230825 put there el8/el9.

Thanks @jose-d ! You wouldn’t happen to have an example of that would you? I’d like to try that out. I’m having a tough time getting a working deployment of a combination of Slurm 23 and OOD v3. I can’t get OOD v3 installed on AL2023 and I can’t get slurm 23 installed on Ubuntu 22.04. Trying to find the path of least resistance.

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