I am trying to configure an interactive desktop submission script. We run PBS Pro, and we use the '-W group_list=' variable for tying accounting information to research groups. I am trying to pass the form value bc_account to this variable using native options. Here is what my submit.yml.erb file looks like:
The problem is, OOD is continuing to use a prior version of submit.yml.erb, and is not passing the updated select statement (addition of mem= directive) or the group_list variable. This is evident by the contents of job_script_options.json in the staged root directory for the job:
Hey, so I think you fell into a trap similar to this below. I think the solution is to not use bc_num_slots and instead create something like pbs_cores. The problem is is that bc_num_slots is overriding what you’re adding there in native.
Thanks for the quick reply. I can try creating a new form value for pbs_cores (and probably pbs_mem too), but that still doesn’t explain why OOD isn’t picking up the mem= portion of my select statement, or why it’s ignoring my group_list= variable. Unless you’re saying it’s short circuiting after the first evaluation of bc_num_slots in the select statement?
By way of illustration, when I select 2 cores in the web form, the ncpus reflects that selection, as I would expect it to:
"native": [
For reference, my previous version of submit.yml.erb looked like this:
Nevermind, this was my fault. I had the path to the submit script referenced incorrectly, so it wasn’t actually using the correct script. Very sorry for the confusion.