3.0 supports server aliases, looks like we just forgot to document it.
I don’t think I follow number 2, but I see that we do force the value instead of overwriting it. @tdockendorf do you know more about why this may be an issue for HAPorxy environments?
@register_root = opts.fetch(:register_root, nil)
@dex_uri = opts.fetch(:dex_uri, '/dex')
@dex_http_port = opts.fetch(:dex_http_port, nil)
@oidc_provider_metadata_url = opts.fetch(:oidc_provider_metadata_url, nil)
@oidc_client_id = opts.fetch(:oidc_client_id, nil)
@oidc_client_secret = opts.fetch(:oidc_client_secret, nil)
@oidc_redirect_uri = "#{protocol}#{servername}#{@oidc_uri}"
@oidc_remote_user_claim = opts.fetch(:oidc_remote_user_claim, 'preferred_username')
@oidc_scope = opts.fetch(:oidc_scope, "openid profile email")
@oidc_crypto_passphrase = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(servername)
@oidc_session_inactivity_timeout = opts.fetch(:oidc_session_inactivity_timeout, 28800)
@oidc_session_max_duration = opts.fetch(:oidc_session_max_duration, 28800)
@oidc_state_max_number_of_cookies = opts.fetch(:oidc_state_max_number_of_cookies, '10 true')
@oidc_cookie_same_site = opts.fetch(:oidc_cookie_same_site, @ssl ? 'Off' : 'On')
@oidc_settings = opts.fetch(:oidc_settings, {})
def servername
@servername || OodPortalGenerator.fqdn