Multi-GPU, Xorg and VirtualGL

It’s really quite simple; get latest VirtualGL, open permissions on render devices (cgroup limits on the GPU itself still applies), and export the right VGL_DISPLAY for the GPU.

@tomgreen66 Yes that seems likely. I mean, it doesn’t attempt to bind mount any cuda libs into the container either right (in fact that it mounts nvidia-smi is already kind of surprising that it even works since the container OS might have completely different glibc.

From: centos:8

    curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/VirtualGL.repo
    printf "[nvidia]\nname=nvidia\nbaseurl=\ngpgcheck=0" > /etc/yum.repos.d/nvidia.repo
    yum install -y epel-release
    yum repolist
    yum install -y VirtualGL glx-utils nvidia-driver-libs

Works for me with EGL backend