Hey guys. I’m setting up a fresh install of Open OnDemand 1.5.5-1 here at the University of Utah on CentOS 7. I’m following the install documentation and have gotten to the point where I’m integrating my production standalone keycloak (4.8.3) server in as my auth source - It’s throwing errors in the keycloak log while I get the schema mappings to our Active Directory servers configured and then I finally get it correctly configured… and it breaks in a new way.
The URL redirects to
and the error in the browser window is:
“Error – invalid user name syntax: f:5f6debae-e6db-4111-bed0-ac9336c5afe5:u0064824@keycloak.chpc.utah.edu/auth/realms/ondemand
Run ‘nginx_stage --help’ to see a full list of available command line options.”
There’s no errors in the keycloak log about this. Here’s my auth_openidc.conf file:
OIDCProviderMetadataURL https://keycloak.chpc.utah.edu/auth/realms/ondemand/.well-known/openid-configuration
OIDCClientID “ondemand-test.chpc.utah.edu”
OIDCClientSecret “noSecretsForYou”
OIDCRedirectURI https://ondemand-test.chpc.utah.edu/oidc
OIDCCryptoPassphrase “secretphraseremoved”
Anything jump out at anyone? I can post over config items if necessary but it’s all pretty bog standard.
Steve Harper