OOD3 installation on RHEL9

Instructions at https://osc.github.io/ood-documentation/latest/installation/install-software.html#enable-dependencies for RHEL9 include:

sudo dnf module enable ruby:3.0 nodejs:14

Neither of these module versions appear to be available from the RHEL9 AppStream repo. Available versions of ruby and nodejs on RHEL9 are:

  • nodejs 16 as a regular package, and nodejs 18 as a module
  • ruby 3.0 as a regular package, and ruby 3.1 as a module

Although both of the required module versions are available for RHEL8 (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html-single/package_manifest/index#AppStream-modules), the only module versions for RHEL9 (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/9/html-single/package_manifest/index#AppStream-modules) are:

  • nodejs: 18
  • ruby: 3.1

Where should the required versions for RHEL9 be obtained from? (For ruby, would it work to use the regular package rather than a module? For nodejs, haven’t found 14 available.)

Sorry for the delay in circling back to this.

What’s the minor version of RHEL/9 that you’re using? Our CI uses the container info below. We’re just now upgrading to RHEL/8 so for 9 to hit our actual systems is a bit out.

[root@1eed1a7da643 /]# cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="9.1 (Lime Lynx)"
ID_LIKE="rhel centos fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="AlmaLinux 9.1 (Lime Lynx)"

And I’m finding the docs seem to be wrong regarding nodejs - should be nodejs 16 on RHEL/9. That’s what we compile against in 9.1.

@jeff.ohrstrom Thanks for the information. We are using RHEL 9.2.

It appears the instructions are incorrect. We have a tab for Rocky 9 which differs from RHEL 9 in the way you state.

It appears you do not need to enable any module in RHEL/9 and you can just use what the base packages provide - ruby 3 and nodejs 16.

I will try the install using the base packages. Thanks for looking into this!

To be clear - you should follow the instructions in the Rocky 8 tab on the same page. Just let the RPM pull in the dependencies instead of installing them before you install OOD.

@jeff.ohrstrom Note on docs -
“1. Enable Dependencies” for RockyLinux9 docs say to run
$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb
but that yields
Error: No matching repo to modify: crb.
I don’t have an RHEL9 install to see if crb is there or not.
$ sudo dnf whatprovides ‘/crb
doesn’t find anything that looks like it might be a repo.

Outside of that, I have a OOD 3 up and running in my sandbox.

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