Hmm, okay, I think I understand a bit better now. We were referencing a different post which was saying we needed the additional flags
--server-data-dir “$TMPDIR/rstudio-server/” --secure-cookie-key-file “TMPDIR/rstudio-server/secure-cookie-key"
Does that mean if we want to still use the pam authentication we just need to drop that cookie file? I believe we tried that and it didn’t work. The original post was:
I was thinking of doing this too, but the pre/post scripts looked intimidating. Was it that easy? I did see that the files are all installed into /usr/lib/rstudio-server on both rpm and deb machines. So then it’s just the pre/post scripts which I presume create + populate /etc/rstudio/, create /var/run/xxx and install a systemd script?
I guess if running it out of a Module, you don’t need the systemd script - what do you do about the other two functions?
What do you suggest we do?