I have successfully set up an ondemand server with the basics, and can log in using oidc, see the home dir, and I can access shell.
Now I am trying to set up interactive apps and am following the seemingly straightforward instructions Setup Interactive Apps — Open OnDemand 2.0.20 documentation
I have installed the required software on the compute-nodes
I have defined the cluster and I see it (and can open a shell, which I think means the config is correct)
I have generated a new apache config after adding
host_regex: '[\w]+\.hpc\.uio\.no'
node_uri: '/node'
rnode_uri: '/rnode'
and checked that the regex is correct for my compute-nodes (e.g. hepp03.hpc.uio.no)
I do not have dex installed as I do not think I need this (?).
Also, it did not work together with my oidc configuration, so I completely removed the ondemand-dex package.
I have generated the new apache config and restarted apache, so basically gone through all the steps in the instructions step 1, 2 and until 3.2
When following procedure to check that it works:
I see
I am not managing to find out what is the problem and how to fix.
In the ood error log I see:
[Mon Apr 03 14:29:00.966702 2023] [proxy:error] [pid 827057:tid 139674282620672] (113)No route to host: AH00957: HTTP: attempt to connect to <ip-to-compute-node>:5432 (*) failed
[Mon Apr 03 14:29:00.966740 2023] [proxy_http:error] [pid 827057:tid 139674282620672] [client] AH01114: HTTP: failed to make connection to backend: hepp03.hpc.uio.no, referer: https://auth.dataporten.no/
[Mon Apr 03 14:29:00.967109 2023] [lua:info] [pid 827057:tid 139674282620672] [client <client-ip>:55450] req_user_ip="<client-ip>" res_location="" log_time="2023-04-03T12:29:00.967034.0Z" req_status="503" req_handler="proxy-server" remote_user="<username>@uio.no" log_hook="ood" req_accept_language="en-us,en;q=0.5" log_id="ZCrGjFCEpR39ZNKXcpDKwwAAAFM" res_content_encoding="" req_accept="text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" req_content_type="" req_accept_charset="" res_content_disp="" req_method="GET" req_is_websocket="false" local_user="<user-name>" req_port="443" req_accept_encoding="gzip, deflate, br" req_user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0" req_is_https="true" req_origin="" req_referer="https://auth.dataporten.no/" time_user_map="0.002" time_proxy="0.763" res_content_language="" req_server_name="ood-hepp.uio.no" req_cache_control="" res_content_location="" req_protocol="HTTP/1.1" req_uri="/node/hepp03.hpc.uio.no/5432" res_content_type="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" res_content_length="43" req_hostname="ood-hepp.uio.no" req_filename="proxy:http://hepp03.hpc.uio.no:5432/node/hepp03.hpc.uio.no/5432", referer: https://auth.dataporten.no/
[Mon Apr 03 14:33:32.433243 2023] [proxy:error] [pid 828484:tid 139862992746240] (113)No route to host: AH00957: HTTP: attempt to connect to <compute-node-ip>:5432 (*) failed
[Mon Apr 03 14:33:32.433277 2023] [proxy_http:error] [pid 828484:tid 139862992746240] [client <client-ip>:55511] AH01114: HTTP: failed to make connection to backend: hepp03.hpc.uio.no, referer: https://auth.dataporten.no/
[Mon Apr 03 14:33:32.433667 2023] [lua:info] [pid 828484:tid 139862992746240] [client <client-ip>:55511] req_user_ip="<user-ip>" req_filename="proxy:http://hepp03.hpc.uio.no:5432/node/hepp03.hpc.uio.no/5432" req_handler="proxy-server" log_hook="ood" req_referer="https://auth.dataporten.no/" req_cache_control="" req_port="443" res_location="" req_is_https="true" res_content_location="" log_time="2023-04-03T12:33:32.433580.0Z" local_user="<user-name>" log_id="ZCrHnEA3ybwd3vy0wGGVUgAAABc" res_content_type="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" req_server_name="ood-hepp.uio.no" req_protocol="HTTP/1.1" req_accept="text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" req_accept_charset="" req_uri="/node/hepp03.hpc.uio.no/5432" time_proxy="0.924" req_hostname="ood-hepp.uio.no" req_accept_encoding="gzip, deflate, br" req_status="503" res_content_encoding="" time_user_map="0.002" res_content_language="" req_content_type="" req_user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0" req_method="GET" res_content_disp="" req_is_websocket="false" req_accept_language="en-us,en;q=0.5" remote_user="<username>@uio.no" res_content_length="43" req_origin="", referer: https://auth.dataporten.no/
(removed user-name,id etc in the above with etc
Any hints to help me along the way?