Hello Jeff and thank you - aha - I think we’ve got it. I wasn’t coming back with anything when running the lsof command and I was also having the same issue with the local_lock=none option. After flipping this back to local /home and seeing that it worked, like you said all signs seemed to be pointing to NFS. This time I edited /etc/fstab and added ‘nolock’ on the end instead of local_lock=none. I logged in and got the error described here: User gets no such table: schema_migrations error in job composer
Where Job Composer failed again and spit out ‘no such table: schema_migrations’
I went into the two users’ folders I was having trouble with earlier and removed the production.sqlite3 file and restarted the web server. and it worked! I will keep seeing if something breaks, but for now, I think this issue is resolved. Cheers