Terminal launch through scheduler?

Is it possible to change the way the ‘terminal’ app works to launch through a scheduler? We’d like to box sessions appropriately through slurm.


The shell app uses a scheduler if set for a cluster in the clusters.d directory, but can also be set to only be a login node with no scheduler as well. The point is a scheduler is used already in most cases and set for a cluster in that directory.

But, are you trying to use the shell app like an interactive app where the user blocks a time and logs in after launching it that way?

The shell app does not use a scheduler. It simply sshes into a machine.

However, you can limit ssh sessions using systemd slices or cgroups.

Here’s our documentation on sytsemd user slices.


There’s also another section in that page about cgroups, but I don’t know if it’s applicable because it references tmux.

In any case, googling cgroup limit ssh sessions turned up a lot of hits. Here’s one from the unix stackexchange.

Yes this is our intention. We’d like to encourage better behavior from our end users while also ensuring the stability of our login nodes by specifying how/where users are running interactive ssh sessions. If that makes sense.

We use cgroups today, however there are some behaviors we want to shift to encourage different use patterns for how users interact with the login nodes.

I suppose the other option is to disable SSH via the shell app and instead make a specific app.

You also might want to look at the Linux Host Adapter: LinuxHost — Open OnDemand 3.1.0 documentation