It doesn’t render as anything in the form from what we see.
We would like for researchers to be able to launch in their $WORKDIR of choice, and was hoping to use this field to grab some context, then (I presume) change line 13 in template/ to something like
Have I missed something? This is my first time around with Ruby, am still figuring things out, trying very hard not to map python/django concepts wholesale.
Its a problem with the way the app works. The form.yml only displays a field to the user if in the attributes section you actually specify a yaml map (i.e. hash) with the input type and other possible attributes. If instead of a map its set to a value, the form element is never presented to a user and the value is used instead. In that tutorial’s case we have extra_jupyter_args: "" so that is hidden. You could just delete extra_jupyter_args: "" in the form.yml and it would appear as a text box - since it is listed in the form: array it would use the default element which is a text box.