After rebooting the cluster, noVNC black window

I use Open Ondemand v3.0.1.
The cluster is Slurm and the version is 23.02.4.
OS is Rocky Linux 8.7.
TurboVNC version is 3.0.90.
python3-websockify version is 0.11.0-1.

I set up a mate desktop to use the interactive application,
The screen remained black and did not accept any operations.
No error message appears after about 10 minutes.
I tried deleting the contents of /run/user/$USERID and the problem goes away.
I need your advice as I have to perform this operation every time I reboot the machine and I don’t know the cause of the problem.

Setting VNC password...
Starting VNC server...

WARNING: slurm2:1 is taken because of /tmp/.X1-lock
Remove this file if there is no X server slurm2:1
Killing Xvnc process ID 2624
Xvnc process ID 2624 already killed
Xvnc did not appear to shut down cleanly. Removing /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
Xvnc did not appear to shut down cleanly. Removing /tmp/.X1-lock

Desktop 'TurboVNC: slurm2:1 (fuyu)' started on display slurm2:1

Log file is vnc.log
Successfully started VNC server on slurm2:5901...
Script starting...
Starting websocket server...
ERROR: Collection default cannot be found < ---- whats mean?
Launching desktop 'mate'...
WebSocket server settings:
  - Listen on :41788
  - No SSL/TLS support (no cert file)
  - Backgrounding (daemon)
Scanning VNC log file for user authentications...
Generating connection YAML file...
Setting VNC password...
Generating connection YAML file...
Setting VNC password...
Generating connection YAML file...

cluster: hope-slurm
  template: vnc
    script_wrapper: |
      module purge
      export PATH="/opt/TurboVNC/bin/:$PATH"
      export WEBSOCKIFY_CMD="/usr/bin/websockify"
    - "-N"
    - "<%= bc_num_slots.blank? ? 1 : bc_num_slots.to_i %>"

Thank you,

You can set the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable. We do the same thing to set it to a tmp directory.

The following was added to submit.yml.erb.
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/tmp/xdg_runtime"
However, there is no progress from the black screen.

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