Concerned about > 15K requests/hour from one Jupyter session?

Hi all!

One of our architects noticed that some users’ OOD Jupyter sessions were performing a massive amount of requests. One user’s session made over 15K requests in an hour, judging from syslog entries from the “ondemand-httpd” service. Should we be concerned?

I can provide more info from the syslog entries, if you need it.

Thanks as always,
Ron Rahaman

Research Scientist II, Research Software Engineer
Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment (PACE)
Georgia Institute of Technology

Ron: Requests to what?

Not sure what specifically you are looking at, but I will point out that Jupyter is by far the most popular app within the Open OnDemand ecosystem. It’s widely deployed at hundreds if not thousands of sites without any issue.

Hi Alan, sorry for the delayed response.

They were POST/GET requests from Jupyter itself. And it turns out we’re fine. We were filtering syslog incorrectly, so it seemed like more requests per user than we were expecting.

We weren’t in doubt about the OOD Jupyter app; we were just concerned we might have something misconfigured at our site. :slight_smile: But like I said, we’re all good.
