Limiting number of interactive apps

Hi, just curious if there’s a way within OnDemand to limit the number of interactive apps users are allowed to launch? We’d like to limit the number of concurrent Jupyter jobs for instance. We have occasional issues with users launching 4 different Jupyter jobs and maxing out resource requests for each session, then the sessions undoubtedtly sit idle and chew up resources for others in the queue. We’d also like to nudge people into submitting sbatch scripts once they’ve debugged what they need to in Jupyter. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Generally we’d recommend you try to handle that via your resource manager (i.e. SLURM, TORQUE/PBS, etc). That’s fundamentally what the purpose of such software is, so if you try to hack something together within Open OnDemand you end up with the complexity of trying to figure out how they are interacting and whether any particular problem is due to one or the other software configuration.