I don’t believe so. But even so, if the directories are manged by ACLs you can simply use the readable? API on Pathname and only add it if it’s indeed readable (you may also need executable?anddirectory?` to be extra double sure it’s valid).
Here my code if it’s can help, you can delete the scratch block and fix the base_paths.
# /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/initializers/ood.rb
Rails.application.config.after_initialize do
OodFilesApp.candidate_favorite_paths.tap do |paths|
# Add User scratch space directory
user = User.new.name
first_letter = user[0] # Get the first letter of the username
scratch_path = "/srv/beegfs/scratch/users/#{first_letter}/#{user}"
paths << FavoritePath.new(scratch_path, title: "Scratch Directory")
# Hash of base paths to check for additional directories with titles
# location => Title
base_paths = {
'/home/share/' => 'Shared home',
'/srv/beegfs/scratch/shares/' => 'Shared scratch',
'/srv/beegfs/scratch/groups/' => 'Group scratch',
'/srv/fast/users/' => 'Fast user'
# Add more paths and titles here if needed
base_paths.each do |base_path, title|
# Check if the base path exists and is a directory, to avoid error
next unless Dir.exist?(base_path)
# Get all entries in the current base path
Dir.entries(base_path).each do |entry|
# Construct the full path for the current entry
full_path = File.join(base_path, entry)
# Skip if it's not a directory or if it's a special entry like '.' or '..'
next unless File.directory?(full_path) && !['.', '..'].include?(entry)
# Check if the directory is readable and executable
if File.readable?(full_path) && File.executable?(full_path)
# Access the value of the current base_path using the `title` variable
paths << FavoritePath.new(full_path, title: "#{title}: #{File.basename(full_path)}")
Maybe this block could be add in the documentation ?
I have created a new PR: