Does Ondemand support dex and LDAP, with duo authentication?

Hi I am trying to set up OnDemand to use ondemand-dex with LDAP and duo autitication.

My system is as fllowing:
The system we use is: Rocky Linux release 8.4, ondemand-3.0.3-1.el8.x86_64, ondemand-dex-2.36.0-1.el8.x86_64.

I am wondering, what do I need to so set up to use external LDAP server with duo authentication?

Thanks in advance for your help!


It appears that Dex doesn’t have support for MFA (multi-factor authentication) with any provider.

Thanks, Jeff!

Does that mean if we want MFS, at this moment we can only use Keycloak?

There could be other open source providers than Keycloak, though I’m not 100% sure.

A quick google search turned this project up, so if you look hard enough there could be others than Keycloak (though I don’t know how stable/good any of them are).

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