Double CPU gets allocated

Hi , i am trying now for a while to figure out what i am missing but i can’t find it.

My submit.yml.erb looks like this:

  template: basic
  queue_name: <%= custom_queue %>
    - "--nodes"
    - "<%= bc_num_slots.blank? ? 1 : bc_num_slots.to_i %>"
    - "--ntasks"
    - "<%= num_ntasks.blank? ? 1 : num_ntasks.to_i %>"
    - "--cpus-per-task"
    - "<%= num_cpus.blank? ? 1 : num_cpus.to_i %>"
    - "--mem"
    - "<%= num_mem.blank? ? 1 : num_mem.to_i %>G"
    <%- unless nodelist.blank? -%>
    - "--nodelist"
    - "<%= nodelist %>"
    <%- end -%>

    <%- unless email.blank? -%>
    - "--mail-user"
    - "<%= email %>"
    - "--mail-type"
    <%- end -%>

    - "--hint"
    - "nomultithread"

    <%- if num_gpus.to_i >0 -%>
    - "--gpus-per-node"
    - "<%= num_gpus.to_i %>"
    <%- end -%>

    <%- if custom_queue.to_s == "backfill" -%>
    - "--requeue"
    <%- end -%>

and my form.yml.erb looks like that:

require 'open3'
require 'json'
    # read partitions.json and get patitions value
    file =, 'partitions.json'))
    partitions_hash = JSON.parse(file)
    # Command to Run
    script = 'sinfo -h --format="%P"'
    # Create a partitions array to dynamically populate the queues associated with the user
    partitions = []
    # Store the output, error, status
    output, status = Open3.capture2('bash', stdin_data: script)
    # puts status
    if status.success?
        # Add it to the custom_envs array by splitting the output at '\n'.
        output.split("\n").each do |queue|
            queue = queue.gsub("*", "")
            if partitions_hash.has_key?(queue)
        puts partitions
        partition_error = "Error"
rescue => e
    partition_error = e.message.strip

# Batch Connect app configuration file
# @note Used to define the submitted cluster, title, description, and
#   hard-coded/user-defined attributes that make up this Batch Connect app.

# **MUST** set cluster id here that matches cluster configuration file located
# under /etc/ood/config/clusters.d/*.yml
# @example Use the Owens cluster at Ohio Supercomputer Center
#     cluster: "owens"
cluster: "omnia"

# Define attribute values that aren't meant to be modified by the user within
# the Dashboard form
cluster: "omnia"
   - custom_queue
   - mode
   - profiles
   - working_dir
   - num_cpus
   - ntasks
   - gpu_options
   - num_gpus
   - num_mem
   - nodelist
   - bc_account
   - bc_num_slots
   - bc_num_hours
   - sub_type
   - bind_paths
   - version
   - sif_file
   - conda_path
   - conda_name
  #- extra_jupyter_args
   - email

submit: submit.yml.erb
id : submitForm
name: submitForm
title: Jupyter Lab

    label: "Number of nodes"
  # Set the corresponding modules that need to be loaded for Jupyter to run
  # @note It is called within the batch job as `module load <modules>` if
  #   defined
  # @example Do not load any modules
  #     modules: ""
  # @example Using default python module
  #     modules: "python"
  # @example Using specific python module
  #     modules: "python/3.5"
  # @example Using combination of modules
  #     modules: "python/3.5 cuda/8.0.44"

    label: Partition
    widget: select
    value: interactive
    cacheable: false
    help: |
      - [Partition Documentation](
    <%- if partition_error || partitions.blank?-%>
      <div class="text-danger">Error while fetching Partition. Please contact support!</div>
    <%- else -%>
    <%- partitions.each do |q| -%>
      - [
          "<%= q %>", "<%= q %>",
          <%= JSON.generate(partitions_hash[q]) %>
    <%- end -%>
    <%- end -%>

  # working_dir:
  #   label: Working Directory
  #   help: "Optionally select your Jupyter project directory The default is your home directory ($HOME) when left empty."
  #   cacheable: false
  #   data-filepicker: true
  #   data-target-file-type: dirs
  #   readonly: false

# Working_dir
    widget: "path_selector"
    directory: "/mnt/"
    show_hidden: true
    show_files: true
    favorites: false
    help: |
    #     "Optionally select your Jupyter project directory The default is your home directory ($HOME) when left empty."

    label: Mode
    help: "Choose between simple pre-defined profiles or advanced self configuration"
    widget: select
      - [ "simple", "x",
          data-hide-gpu-options: true,
          data-hide-num-cpus: true,
          data-hide-num-mem: true,
          data-hide-num-gpus: true
      - [ "advanced", "y",
          data-hide-profiles: true

    label: Mode
    help: "Choose a profile"
    widget: select
      - [ "4 CPU, 8GB RAM", "4c8r",
      - [ "8 CPU, 16GB RAM", "8c16r",
      - [ "16 CPU, 32GB RAM", "16c32r",

    label: Submission Environment
    widget: select
    help : Select desired submission environment.
    cacheable: false
      - [
          "Mod (Basic)", "mod_basic",
          data-hide-sif-file: true,
          data-hide-conda-path: true,
          data-hide-conda-name: true,
          data-hide-bind-paths: true
      - [
          "Apptainer Container", "sif_basic",
          data-hide-conda-path: true,
          data-hide-version: true,
          data-hide-conda-name: true
      - [
          "Custom Conda Enviroment", "conda_env",
          data-hide-sif-file: true,
          data-hide-version: true,
          data-hide-bind-paths: true

    label: Jupyter Kernel
    help: Select the desired Jupyter Kernel
    cacheable: false
    widget: select
      - [ "Python 3.10 Kernel", "py310" ]
      - [ "Tensorflow 2.12", "tensorflow/2.12"]
      - [ "Pytorch 2.0", "pytorch/2.0"]

  # sif_file:
  #   label: Container File
  #   help: |
  #     Select an Apptainer/Singularity Container **(.sif/.simg) that includes Jupyterlab**. This is required when using a Container Submission Environment! **pip install jupyterlab** inside your container.
  #   cacheable: false
  #   data-filepicker: true
  #   data-target-file-type: files
  #   data-target-file-pattern: '(.simg|.sif)$'
  #   readonly: true

# Containers
    widget: "path_selector"
    directory: "/mnt/"
    show_hidden: true
    show_files: true
    favorites: false
    help: |
    #     Select an Apptainer/Singularity Container **(.sif/.simg) that includes Jupyterlab**. This is required when using a Container Submission Environment! **pip install jupyterlab** inside your container.

    widget: "text_field"
    label: "Folders to bind into your container"
    value: ""
    help: |
      - Bind additional directories, default: $HOME
      - example: /data:/mnt binds your /data/ folder to /mnt inside the container

  # conda_path:
  #   label: Conda Enviroment
  #   help: |
  #     Select a Conda Enviroment : path to the **/bin folder that includes Jupyterlab**. This is required when using a Container Submission Environment! Use **pip install jupyterlab** inside your conda enviroment.
  #   cacheable: false
  #   data-filepicker: true
  #   data-show-hidden: true
  #   data-target-file-type: dirs
  #   data-target-file-pattern: 'bin'
  #   readonly: true
  #   initialdir: $HOME

    widget: "path_selector"
    directory: "/mnt/"
    show_hidden: true
    show_files: true
    favorites: false
    help: |
    #     Select a Conda Enviroment : path to the **/bin folder that includes Jupyterlab**. This is required when using a Container Submission Environment! Use **pip install jupyterlab** inside your conda enviroment.

    widget: "text_field"
    label: "Name of your conda Env"
    value: "envXY"
    help: |
      - Name of your custom conda enviroment **required !**
    label: CPUs (Cores)
    cacheable: false
    widget: number_field
    max: 16
    min: 1
    step: 1
    value: 1

    label: Number of tasks
    cacheable: false
    widget: number_field
    min: 1
    step: 1
    value: 1

#GPU Options

    widget: select
    label: "GPU type"
    help: "Choose between Full GPU use and MIG Mode"
      - [
        "No GPU", "0",
         data-hide-num-gpus: true
      - ["A100 40GB (1 GPU)", "a100"]

    widget: select
    label: "Jupyter Session Type"
    help: "Choose between Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab"
      - ["Jupyter Notebook", "jupyter notebook"]
      - ["Jupyter Lab", "jupyter-lab"]

#Number of GPU's

    label: "GPUs"
    help: "Number of GPU or Cuda devices"
    cacheable: false
    widget: number_field
    max: 2
    min: 0
    step: 1
    value: 0

#Memory allocation
    label: Memory (GB/Gigabytes)
    help: Total memory is available to all assigned threads!
    cacheable: false
    widget: number_field
    max: 64
    min: 4
    step: 1
    value: 4
    label: Email Address
    help: |
      Enter your email address if you would like to receive job notifications (start, finished, failed, etc..).  Otherwise, leave the field empty.

When i start a jupyter notebook from the UI and choose 4 CPU’s for example it will allocate 8 while the content of the job_script_options.json shows the correct amount of 4:

0	"--nodes"
1	"1"
2	"--ntasks"
3	"1"
4	"--cpus-per-task"
5	"4"
6	"--mem"
7	"16G"
8	"--mail-user"
9	"xxxx@xxxx"
10	"--mail-type"
12	"--hint"
13	"nomultithread"
wall_time	3600
queue_name	"progress"

And scontrol show jobs shows:

** AllocTRES=cpu=8,mem=4G,node=1,billing=8**

Does somebody maybe know why this is happening?

Kind Regards

I wonder if this hint is throwing you off.

Also - I found these on stack overflow. Maybe it’s a setting in the queue you’re being dropped in or a cluster wide configuration that’s off.

Do the compute nodes have Hyperthreading turned on? If so, do you have the nodes in slurm configured for HT?

I wonder if this hint is throwing you off.
Also - I found these on stack overflow. Maybe it’s a setting in the queue you’re being dropped in or a cluster wide configuration that’s off.

Thank you , yes that were the lines which were causing the double allocation.

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