(Kurt Stine)
February 7, 2025, 8:34pm
We updated to OOD 4.0 earlier this week and have run into an issue. When an end user submits a job with the correct resources requested, the web ui always lists it as “1 core” and refuses to show how many GPUs have been requested.
If we look at sacct
, we can see that the job in question has been allocated 15 CPUs, which don’t show up on the web ui:
It’s not necessarily a major issue, but it’s causing confusion with our end users. Is there any way to fix this?
The batch_connect submit.yml.erb is the following:
- "-J"
- "<%= m_name %>"
- "-N"
- "<%= bc_num_slots.blank? ? 1 : bc_num_slots.to_i %>"
- "--cpus-per-task"
- "<%= m_cpus.blank? ? 1 : m_cpus.to_i %>"
- "-G"
- "<%= m_gpus.blank? ? 0 : m_gpus.to_i %>"
Any help is appreciated!
That’s a known bug in 4.0.
You can patch that by pulling down the update here:
session_class = status_context(session)
badge_class = "bg-#{session_class}"
alert_class = "alert-#{session_class}"
num_nodes = session.info.allocated_nodes.size
num_cores = session.info.procs.to_i
<div class="card-heading">
<div class="h5 card-header overflow-auto alert <%= alert_class %>">
<a href="<%= new_batch_connect_session_context_path(token: session.token) %>" class="alert-heading">
<span class="card-text"><%= session.title %></span>
<span class="card-text"> (<%= session.job_id %>)</span>
<div class="float-end">
<%- if session.starting? || session.running? -%>
<%- if num_nodes.positive? -%>
<span class="badge <%= badge_class %> rounded-pill"><%= pluralize(num_nodes, "node") %></span>
<span class="card-text"> | </span>
<%- end -%>
This file has been truncated. show original
And following these instructions:
Hi Kurt,
As Jeff mentioned, it is a known bug in 4.0. We are sorry for the confusion it is causing with your users. We hope to have a patch out this month to fix this issue.