OOD 4.0 App not changing displayed cores

In deploying OnDemand v4, I am noticing that my core selection is not actually appearing in the Interactive App summary (v3.0 configs were imported, and they were able to show this).
in the Jupyter app, I set the following in form.yml:
widget: “number_field”
required: true
help: “Request that ncpus be allocated per process.”
min: 1
max: 112
step: 1
label: “Number of cores”
The job spins up and I can see that the job gets the resources that are defined in form.yml:
But… I always see “1 core” in the Interactive App window
Poking around… I am having issues figuring where the Interactive app view is configure-able for this entry. Any chance I could get a nudge in the right direction? Many thanks!

That is a known bug that we’ll patch in the next release. I can provide a hotfix for you if you like.

I may as well give you the hotfix in case anyone else sees this:

Pull this partial down and save it somewhere

Then follow the directions here to replace this partial: Customizations — Open OnDemand 4.0.0 documentation

The full path would be /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/views/batch_connect/sessions/card/_card_header.html.erb

That did the trick- thank you!