"My Interactive Session" Card displays wrong Nodes/Cores

Hi all,

When I go to the job cards on “My Interactive Sessions”, the card does not display the correct quantities for the job. Any ideas?

To be clear, this just looks like a problem with the way the card is displayed, not with the way the job is submitted. When I look at job_script_options.json, user_defined_context.json, and our cluster’s scheduler, the jobs are submitted with the expected number of nodes/cores.

For example, this job was submitted with 2 nodes and 1 core/node, but it displays 1 node.

Screen Shot 2022-06-03 at 1.28.48 PM

Happy to provide any code snippets.


Ron Rahaman
Research Scientist II
Partnership for an Advanced Computing Environment (PACE)
Georgia Institute of Technology

What’s the scheduler? Can you also let me know the submit arguements? You should be able to find them by searching for execve in /var/log/ondemand-nginx/$USER/error.log.

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