Exit state / std err in active jobs table

Hi All,
We were wondering if there is a way to add the job std err or std out to the table in active jobs?
Or maybe a link that opens output.log in the OOD file explorer?


What job scheduler are you running? Is something similar to below what you’re looking for?

Exactly - that would be great.
We are using LSF job scheduler. I assume this is why we don’t see any of those fields. Also the “Open in File Manager” and “>_Open in Terminal” buttons are not there.
Is there a way to add them?

Currently we are using bjobs -a -w -W #id_of_job and parsing the output to get those values you see in the dropdown of your job. This includes things like Submit Args and Output Location. Those buttons are also reliant on the existence of Output Location

Please experiment with adding args/options to that command and look for a path or directory. However there was a note left in the code stating “LSF output is a little sparse at the moment. No output path or submit args are available”. Below are options that you can add to the bjobs command.

If you find the path, please leave a comment with the command args used and the resulting output and I can put in a feature request!

The first system we had access to with LSF was an older version 8, and bjobs -a -w -W was the best we could do. I believe both 9 and 10 support -o where we can specify a custom format. https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSWRJV_10.1.0/lsf_command_ref/bjobs.o.1.html (off of the link @matthu017 provided) has many fields we can include. For output location, I assume that the LSF fieldwould be output_dir. There are many fields there. It would be helpful to know what fields are most important or desirable.

Hi I’ve created this issue https://github.com/OSC/ood_core/issues/215 for us to support this. Please comment on there with what all fields are important for you to have as we don’t run LSF.