When using the auto_queues field on our cluster one of our partitions is missing from the dropdown list and we aren’t exactly sure why since all the others appear correctly? We suspect it might have something to do with the ReqResv or AllowAccounts. Is there a list of Slurm commands we could step through to replicate how that list generated?
Seems to be related to AllowAccounts settings. Partitions without AllowAccounts set or “AllowAccounts=open” the partition appears correctly in the auto_queues drop-down menu but “AllowAccounts=reserved_allocation” it does not appear, and that is regardless of if I’m included in “reserved_allocation” or not.
One thing you can do is inspect the HTML and see what options are hidden. Here I’m looking at auto_accounts, but the strategy is similar. My guess is is that sla-prio is there, just hidden and is only available for the reserved_allocationauto_account value.
@jeff.ohrstrom Does it support an account hierarchy? I’m in an account that has reserved_allocation as a parent. If we flatten that and use the account directly then it appears in the list.