Good afternoon.
I’m working with OOD 3.1.7 version and I want to replicate the page ActiveJobs but i wanna show all the jobs whatever their status is.
I created my own controller and I created the new route in routes.rb which points to the index of my controller and the html is shown correctly.
In my index.html.erb page i copied the active jobs index’s page and it works fine.
I noticed that Completed jobs appear temporarily in the table which showes active jobs and then disappear.
I took a look into ActiveJobs’ helper and models and there’s no filter applied on the status of the jobs, before the request is sent to the scheduler, and there’s no filter in js files which removes jobs from the datatable based on their status.
There’s a way I can retrieve all the jobs? I saw an old topic about this but maybe things are changed after 2 years.
That’s the topic i’m talking about
Thanks in advance for the response