Hey, I have set up a new instance of OOD for the first time and when I log in I get this home directory not found error. I can see previous discussions from a while ago but none of the solutions there helped. Of note regarding my setup: there is only one node and OOD is running on the same node. The home directory has been changed from /home to a separate directory in /project/home. If I patch the ruby code as suggested in an old topic to always accept the home directory then it tries to create folders in /scratch and /project which already exist.
I can use the ssh app if I navigate there directly and it says permission denied for .ssh/known_hosts under the correct home directory which is odd.
Yea changing home directories can be problematic. I mean if we can’t rely on LDAP as the source of truth, then it sort of all falls apart.
Is there a reason why you can’t change this value in LDAP? Or mabye you can create a symlink from /home
to /project/home
We aren’t using LDAP. I can make a symlink, but is there a reason that OOD doesn’t just use the environment variables?
Symlinking the home directory didn’t work - still showing the same error.
So these are local users?
I’m not sure how you mean changed
. If you’re not using LDAP, then the users must be local. If they’re local, then you must have changed the HOMEs in /etc/passwd
We can’t rely on just the HOME
variable because of the Ruby libraries that we and other parts of the system use. Specifically the Etc
library - module Etc - Documentation for Ruby 3.4
This library is going to find the users home not from the enviornment variable, but from a Linux system call getpwnam(3) - Linux manual page or similar which ultimately hits the /etc/passwd
file for local users or LDAP for LDAP users.
Did you just change the HOME environment variables without changing /etc/passwd
These are local users yes, for which the HOMEs were changed in /etc/passwd
I tried toggling SELinux and it seems to have progressed further, perhaps it was an SELinux issue? However now when accessing the dashboard I get error 403 which in the logs is ‘[ActionDispatch::HostAuthorization::DefaultResponseApp] Blocked host: <login / compute host IP>’. Seems like it’s not wanting to go through to its own IP. SSH app seems to work fine now. I have tried setting ALLOWED_HOSTS in /etc/ood/profile to no avail.
Manually editing the dashboard config to add the host IP worked and I can access the dashboard.
Setting the servername manually to my host IP worked (it was previously set to servername: null).
Allow ips by johrstrom · Pull Request #2998 · OSC/ondemand · GitHub seems related
I am now getting file permission errors when accessing trivial things such as ssh-keygen, cloning directories etc. and an InvalidAuthenticityToken when accessing job templates. The dashboard is able to create files however. Am I missing something with the IP / user configuration?
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