I’m having ssh issues while using Linux host adapter and looking for tips on how to debug my issue.
When I try to execute the ssh command with all the options manually from the OOD host to the target host it appears to be working:
[kmuriki@ood ~]$ hostname
[kmuriki@ood ~]$ ssh -t -o BatchMode=yes -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no kmuriki@n0003.testbed0 /usr/bin/env bash
[kmuriki@n0003 ~]$ hostname
But the same ssh command appears to be disconnecting when OOD executes
OOD logs below:
App 7947 output: [2020-12-14 16:10:25 -0800 ] INFO “execve = [{}, “ssh”, “-t”, “-o”, “BatchMode=yes”, “-o”, “UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null”, “-o”, “StrictHostKeyChecking=no”, “kmuriki@n0003.testbed0”, “/usr/bin/env”, “bash”]”
App 7947 output: [2020-12-14 16:10:26 -0800 ] INFO "method=POST path=/pun/sys/dashboard/batch_connect/dev/jupyter-interactive/session_contexts format=html controller=BatchConnect::SessionContextsController action=create status=302 duration=1445.91 view=0.00
Syslog messages from the host n0003.testbed0
Dec 14 16:10:25 n0003.testbed0 sshd[29013]: Accepted publickey for kmuriki from port 58016 ssh2: DSA SHA256:fP5ARPAN3vihLme3gNxuDRK94/n8p3qRYXpfegcTdrU
Dec 14 16:10:26 n0003.testbed0 kmuriki: n0003.testbed0 kmuriki: module load vim
Dec 14 16:10:26 n0003.testbed0 sshd[29015]: Received disconnect from port 58016:11: disconnected by user
Dec 14 16:10:26 n0003.testbed0 sshd[29015]: Disconnected from port 58016
You can see ssh was successful and loaded the module which I have in my $HOME/.bashrc but immediately disconnects. Not able to figure out why the disconnects are happening. Any tips on how to debug this ?