OnDemand 3.1 release

Hi. We’ve just made the Open OnDemand 3.1.0 release available. We’ve had it installed at OSC for just about a week and have not found any issues, though CSC has found one when using ssh_allow in batch connect applications.

Highlights for this release include:

See the full release notes here for more information. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release!


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To be clear, the bug CSC found was pertains to this configuration ssh_allow.


3.1.1 has been released with the bugfix for centers that disable shell connections with ssh_allow.

3.1.4 is generally available with some bug fixes and a few security related fixes.


  • The path_selector now responds to labels and can be hidden in in 3467.
  • Pinned app icons are now centered correctly in 3374.


  • ood_core now sends heartbeats to noVNC connections to keep them alive in 3467.
  • Batch connect jobs now serialize completed_at attributes in 3467.


  • The files app now uses ActionController::Live to support streaming large files in 3467 preventing out of memory exceptions.
  • The regular expression for mime types has been updated in 3482.