Open OnDemand Monthly Open Office Hours

The Open OnDemand team is implementing open office hours during which several team members will be available on a Zoom call to anyone who wants to drop in to ask us any questions, needs helps with their OOD installation, or has suggestions.

These will be held the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 11:15 AM - 12:45PM Eastern time zone. This time was selected to allow for our European colleagues to be able to connect in the late afternoon and our West Coast colleagues to connect in the morning (sorry Alaska and Hawaii;)

Zoom coordinates are as follows:

Meeting ID: 962 9856 8321
Password: 424991

Just a reminder that we’ll be holding our Open OnDemand monthly open office hours today, Tuesday 11/9 from 11:15-12:45PM Eastern Time Zone (starting ~2 hours from when I am posting this). Zoom details are:

Zoom Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 9856 8321
Password: 424991

Just a reminder that we’ll be holding our Open OnDemand monthly open office hours tomorrow, Tuesday 12/14 from 11:15-12:45PM Eastern Time Zone. Zoom details are:

Zoom Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 9856 8321
Password: 424991

Just a reminder that we’ll be holding our Open OnDemand monthly open office hours today, Tuesday 1/11 from 11:15-12:45PM Eastern Time Zone. Zoom details are:

Zoom Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 9856 8321
Password: 424991

Will there be office hours on Tuesday, Feb. 8th?

As it stands right now. Yes.


Thank you very much !

Just a reminder that we’ll be holding our Open OnDemand monthly open office hours today, Tuesday 2/8 from 11:15-12:45PM Eastern Time Zone. Zoom details are:

Zoom Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 9856 8321
Password: 424991

Are Office hours still in effect?
I was waiting for the host.
Did the URL change ?

Yes still in effect. URL didn’t change, it just starts at 11:15 EST.

Ahh, I see that the start time is 11:15. Thanks !

Just a reminder that we’ll be holding our Open OnDemand monthly open office hours today, Tuesday 3/8 from 11:15-12:45PM Eastern Time Zone.

Note the start and end times are NOT on the hour to accommodate people from multiple time zones.

Zoom details are:

Zoom Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 9856 8321
Password: 424991

Just a reminder that we’ll be holding our Open OnDemand monthly open office hours today, Tuesday 4/12 from 11:15-12:45PM Eastern Time Zone.

Note the start and end times are NOT on the hour to accommodate people from multiple time zones.

Zoom details are:

Zoom Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 9856 8321
Password: 424991

Just a reminder that we’ll be holding our Open OnDemand monthly open office hours today, Tuesday 5/10 from 11:15-12:45PM Eastern Time Zone.

Note the start and end times are NOT on the hour to accommodate people from multiple time zones.

Zoom details are:

Zoom Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 9856 8321
Password: 424991

Just a reminder that we’ll be holding our Open OnDemand monthly open office hours today, Tuesday 6/14 from 11:15-12:45PM Eastern Time Zone.

Note the start and end times are NOT on the hour to accommodate people from multiple time zones.

Zoom details are:

Zoom Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 9856 8321

Just a reminder that we’ll be holding our Open OnDemand monthly open office hours today, Tuesday 8/9 from 11:15-12:45PM Eastern Time Zone.

Note the start and end times are NOT on the hour to accommodate people from multiple time zones.

Zoom details are:

Zoom Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 9856 8321

Just a reminder that we’ll be holding our Open OnDemand monthly open office hours today, Tuesday 9/13 from 11:15-12:45PM Eastern Time Zone.

Note the start and end times are NOT on the hour to accommodate people from multiple time zones.

Zoom details are:

Zoom Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 9856 8321

Just a reminder that we’ll be holding our Open OnDemand monthly open office hours today, Tuesday 2/11 from 11:15-12:45PM Eastern Time Zone.

Note the start and end times are NOT on the hour to accommodate people from multiple time zones.

Zoom details are:

Zoom Video

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting

Meeting ID: 962 9856 8321