With agreement from the OOD steering committee, I would like to start organizing monthly calls about tips and tricks of OOD’s setup and usage. The idea is to have a monthly 1/2 hour call on the first Thursday of the month at 10am PT/ 11am MT / 12pm CT / 1pm ET.
The first call will be on 10/7 with topic “Create an Open OnDemand interactive app quickly from an existing template”. I’ll show some of our (University of Utah’s) growing list of OOD apps and how we set up a new one in minutes based on an existing VNC or server app. Then we can have a discussion on what other sites do to their apps and possibly grab a speaker for next time if there’s an interest in a specific solution.
Thanks and looking forward to starting sharing our OOD tricks.
Our next call will be Nov 4, 2021 1pm ET / 12pm CT / 11am MT / 10am PT
Ping Luo of Yale University will talk about Supporting classes with CAS-enabled OOD.
Again we’ll plan for 15 minutes presentation, followed by discussion.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The registration will be valid for the next 12 meetings.
We only have 19 people registered for the upcoming call on 11/4 at 1pm ET. Since we had ~100 at our last call I encourage everyone to register so you can connect to the call in time. The call link will be provided with the registration and is valid for the next year of the meetings.
For those who register, will recordings be available after the talks? I am interested in the series, but the time does not work for me until after this semester is over.
Our December call, on 12/2 at 1pm ET, will cover the following high ranked topic:
Containerizing the desktop (plus VNC/noVNC/websockify) and using a two container system for GUI apps.
By Ben Sandbrook, Ayush Chatur, and Bob Settlage, Virginia Tech
Please make sure to register if you haven’t already in the link higher up in this Discourse thread.
Just a reminder that at 1pm ET / 12pm CT / 11am MT / 10am PT today (approximately 3 hours from now), we’ll be having our monthly ‘tips and tricks’ call.
Ben Sandbrook, Ayush Chatur, and Bob Settlage, from Virginia Tech will be presenting on “Containerizing the desktop (plus VNC/noVNC/websockify) and using a two container system for GUI apps.”
Please make sure to register if you haven’t attended one of these calls previously
Our next Tips and Tricks call will be on Thursday January 6th at 1pm ET.
Title: “Sid: an alternative OOD dashboard”
Speakers: Mike Reekie, Aday Bujeda, Harvard University
Our team is tasked with support of Social Science Researchers at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science. We are looking at how the experience of logging on to use interactive applications on the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Research Cluster can be made easier.
The features will highlight in the demo are:
one-click Quick Launch buttons which launch applications
Submission of support requests from within the interface
Here is a link to a short video of the dashboard. (~5 MB)