Optimizing Page Load Times in Open OnDemand


I’ve been experiencing some performance issues with my Open OnDemand (OOD) instance, and I’m hoping to get some advice or insights from the community.

Current Situation:

Additional Information:

  • My system resources are adequate, and the VM does not show high usage.
  • My internet connection is fast and should not be the bottleneck.
  • SELinux is disabled.


  1. Is there any way to speed up the application further? Is 5 seconds for page reloads considered optimal? If it is, why does adding small images cause such a significant delay?
  2. Is there a way to automatically delete completed sessions without affecting user files? I found this thread: Deleting Old Session Data, but I’m concerned that the method discussed might also delete user files, whereas I only want to remove the completed sessions from the OOD interface. On the session card, it says, “For debugging purposes, this card will be retained for 7 more days” – is it possible to change this period to something shorter, like 24 hours?

Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

For #2 there’s OOD_BC_CARD_TIME environment variable that defaults to 7. So you can change that to 1 for deleting cards older than 1 day. But I don’t think keeping the cards is holding anything up. The only thing I can think here is a card that says the job is still active, the system has to query for that job to find that it’s completed. Once we know a job is completed, we stop querying for it. So having the cards there shouldn’t be an issue, because we shouldn’t be querying for it.

As to #1, I’d ask what version you’re on? I think at some point we fixed that image caching issue.

You can see from this example - if my browser’s allowed to cache the images it will. This is on 3.1.7 but I feel like we fixed that some time ago.