Osc-systemstatus app is not working

I found this issue:

And I followed advise from:

Sep '20
The null object wasn’t added yet https://github.com/OSC/osc-systemstatus/blob/4ecde89261dca77b50473680174655a7b5677679/lib/slurm_squeue_client.rb#L186-L188 3 so instead when an exception is raised in the setup method call the return value is nil, and then we don’t compact the array to get rid of nil prior to calling friendly_error_message on each object.

I would just remove the line rescue => e from the setup call and let the exception be unhandled. Then you should see the error in the browser for easier debugging.

After that I got an error that /usr/sbin/slurmd/sinfo file cannot be found. I don’t know why it’s trying to look for sinfo there but I made a link. And after that I got my next error:

/opt/rh/ondemand/root/usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/utils.rb:113:in `block in create_thread_and_abort_on_exception’uninitialized constant SlurmSqueueClient::CommandFailed

I think command is supposed to be
sinfo -a -h --Node --Format=‘nodehost,gres,statelong’
and it’s actually working if I run it from console.