Very much a beginner in RoR / Sinatra. We have developed a simple passenger app based on the “ps-app” tutorial [1]. It works as expected, however, we would like the app to rendered with templates from the dashboard so we can have the common navbar, CSS styles etc. Is this possible using some require / render magic, or, as I suspect, is it easier to integrate the app inside apps/dashboard/apps or similar?
For something like this you won’t be able to get that navbar like the dashboard has unless it is an actual dashboard app.
For the styling we use Bootstrap 4 so if you just use that most of what we use can be recreated, but you’d have to then rewrite the html for the app to use all of that.
Yes I stumbled upon that by accident while looking through the source code. It is something we are interested in so we will likely revisit in the future.