Hi I have OOD-1.8.18 up and mostly working. Our home directories are by default read-only on the compute nodes - I have resolved the issues I have hit so far with non-writable home by setting the OOD_DATAROOT directory in /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/env file, and also with half a dozen ungodly hacks to redirect jupyter data, config, runtime, ipython, and turbovnc’s vncUserDirs etc. to the users /scratch space.
However, we run a regular purge on our scratch space, and the admin is not keen on setting up custom whitelisting, so all these precious settings are going to be regularly blown away every 90 days. I was wondering if OOD has a mechanism to run prolog and epilog scripts that could automatically sync these small files and directories before and after the job runs? The scripts would have to be external to the job and run as the user on the submit host. I guess I could hack the standard slurm prolog and epilog, but I’d rather have it be a little more focused?
Any help appreciated