Relocating /home/$user/ondemand folder

Hi all,

During Office Hours one of our staff was told that there was a OOD_ROOT_PATH variable that I could set in /etc/ood/profile to move (in our case) /home/$user/ondemand to /projects/$users/ondemand as ondemand files were filling up home directories and causing various fun problems. I attempted doing it but since this seems to be an undocumented feature, I couldn’t figure out what syntax I should use for this.

Or is there a better way to do this?

Thanks in advance,

Joe Malingowski

I think the location you are looking to set that would be /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/env and add the environment variable in that location to have it take effect.

The syntax from what you posted I think would be:


Also, if you set this, the myjobs app will also need an /etc/ood/config/apps/myjobs/env file to point to the same location you set in the dashboard/env so that the two are looking in the same place for the data.

Also, just to be sure, make sure to set that with $USER and not $users unless that users variable is something you’ve made and are trying to use, but I’m guessing you meant the environment variable. Just wanted to make sure that was known.

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