Rstudio relative links don't work in help pane


We have an error which is somewhat related to RStudio help link error which was fixed in the past but is not working in our environment,

The relative links inside the help pane of rstudio is not resolving correct. For example:
Inside the help description is a make_ring() link;
igraph graphs have a class ‘igraph’. They are printed to the screen in a special format, here is an example, a ring graph created using make_ring():

This make_ring() url should resolve as:

but is resolving as:

In the console this will display the page in the help pane right

ood version = 3.1
R version = 4.4.0
Rstdudio version = 2024.04.01

We don’t have other issues within ood/rstudio, Is there some kind of redirect setting of rewriterule we can use just for displaying the help pages right?

Thanks in advance,

Hi and welcome!

Sorry for the delay in the response. This should have been fixed - I fixed it myself at some point in the past. I see you’re on 3.1. What OS are you on and can you also provide the apache version. With those 2 pieces of information, I’ll try to replicate and see if this issue persists.

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the response. For open ondemand we are on RedHat 8.9 and the httpd version is 2.4.37. We are running Rstudio from inside a singularity rocker image based on ubuntu 22.04.


Hi @jeff.ohrstrom. Did you manage to check if this issue persists on our current setup. Is there some kind of (temporary) customisation which we can do inside the code? We have many R-Studio users which are using this help pane frequently.

I haven’t gotten a chance to replicate yet. We’re in the middle of a summer program for high school kids that’s got a week left.

It’s still on my plate though - I’ll report back when I have something.

I can’t replicate on our systems. I’m running the same OS and httpd as you are. Though my Rstudio is 2023.06.1.

I’ll see if I can install 2024.04.01 and see if there’s any difference there.

I can’t replicate with the rocker/rstudio image either. Though when I build rocker/rstudio:4.4.0 it gives rstudio 2024.04.2, so I can’t get the same exact version of Rstudio.