Run OOD in WSL on a Win10 VDI?

Re: Why not just request the center to install it :slight_smile:

I appreciate your continued patience in the following for those of us in IT that are research-facing but with limited, if any, HPC privileges.

I’m trying (perhaps naively so - to the extent that every datacenter is different) here to…

  1. Justify the resource expenditure for yet another VM web server and
  2. Anticipate that the datacenter will prefer if not expect that I alone perform all the due diligence and discovery up front before I even broach the subject of deployment of OOD for the institution.

In particular in the interest of security, IMHO it would be nice if there were a single place to go in the docs or otherwise to address the datacenter’s anticipated security concerns for introducing the additional attack surface presented by deploying OOD.

Arguably, I would be remiss if I failed to anticipate the above argument.

In just a cursory search at the documentation and support issues, I see the following.
2. Authentication
3. Secure Apache httpd
Support: Preventing a JS Attack?

Comments welcome, and thanks again.