Want to set the VNC timeout from the configuration file

Dear developers.

We use OOD 3.1.10 and turbovnc-3.1.1-1.
We are having trouble with what is written in the following thread:

Due to the low CPU power of the machines with container we use, the 5 second time limit of VNC is often too short. So every time I install a new OOD I update it to a higher value manually, but sometimes I forget.

# ood_core/batch_connect/templates/vnc.rb
elif [ $counter -ge 5 ]; then
  # timeout after ~5 seconds
  echo "[websockify]: timed-out :(!" >&2
  return 1

So, is it possible to modify OOD so that I can change the VNC timeout in seconds using a variable ?
For example, variables could be written in files under /etc/ood, or in submit.yml for each application.


4.0 is going to have a config/environment variable. You’d use the config websockify_timeout_seconds just like other vnc batch_connect configs in your submit.yml.erb or cluster.d file. The environment variable you could set it all sorts of places.

Thank you for the great information !