Adding Support Email and URL to Help Menu

Oh I misread that you were expecting the support email to appear in the dropdown. It does state that in the documentation:


And this is incorrect in that that env var is actually only currently used in one location - a register page that shows an error if you are not a registered developer. I’ll remove this line from that table in the documentation.

If you want to display a link for sending an email, one way is to modify the text on the dashboard’s homepage. You can do that Customization — Open OnDemand 1.6.7 documentation and in particular Customization — Open OnDemand 1.6.7 documentation. Your custom yaml locale file might look like:

    welcome_html: |
      <p class="lead">OnDemand provides an integrated, single access point for all of your HPC resources.</p>
      <p>For help, <a href="https://uri/to/support">email support</a></p>

And you would get a result like: